Old Sun Knits
Handmade in Whitefish, Montana
Whitefish Store
Visit Old Sun Knits in Whitefish, MT! Old Sun Knits is locally owned and operated. All knit goods are handmade at the store. Old Sun Knits also sells local yarn and Montana made gifts. Store location and information.
Online Shop
Old Sun Knits products are made by hand in Northwestern, Montana. Each item is crafted with quality yarns and is "shop tested" before it heads out for it's new life.
Small Batch Orders
Looking for something unique or one-of-a-kind, Old Sun Knits specializes in custom small batch orders. Old Sun Knits’ products are handcrafted using high quality and affordable materials. Every item is made individually by hand. Contact Old Sun Knits for custom orders.
Looking for a custom design of a quality product? Please contact me about custom designs. Please contact Old Sun Knits for wholesale inquiries.